Feynman diagram* doubles as plot diagram: One high-energy beggar girl (Clever) is shot into the core of the wheel (her quantum leap) for the purpose of colliding with, disrupting, and thereby uncovering powerful occult content (triple goddess) from which can be extracted the magic relic (eye).
Feynman diagram provides schema for deep inelastic scattering* process
Fox Wisdom hypothesizes, based on repeated readings in all seven styles of divination, that the Strong Force at the wheel’s hub both keeps and conceals the elemental triplets. Clever’s leap is an experiment designed to make her collide with the hub so she can grab evidence (a relic) of that trio’s existence. She serves as the ideal incident particle because, being a motherless beggar, her child-essence carries familial power irresistible to the mother-essence of middle sister. When Clever plunges into the Wheel, her energy excites the hub’s field which triggers a sudden, crackling transfer from her to middle sister. This energy burst initiates change by deflecting them both onto new and unanticipated paths. Clever will carry away with her a relic of the collision. Middle sister, disheveled and a bit scrambled, will bounce against the confinement of the hub and shed sparks in the form of virtual force-carrying particles.
Fox Wisdom: Its force [Mother/Child-Attraction Force] is above all force, for it vanquishes every subtile thing & penetrates every solid thing.
The trinity at the heart of the Wheel remains un-seeable. We may imagine it, metaphorically, as three quarks — flashing, color-shifting balls — juggled by ghostly servants of the Strong Force. The little-middle-elder sisters cycle tirelessly, bobbing up and down, down and up, each blinking in turn from green to blue to red and back again.
At the still point of the turning Wheel, quarks cycle through their colors while force-carrier gluons juggle them strangely, charmingly, up and down.
The occult is that which is un-seeable, un-hearable, un-touchable, and without smell or taste. It is concealed, hidden, and therefore secret — unknowable except through the unreliable lens of metaphor. The occult must be discerned through divination, also a faulty lens because it relies upon unreliable mediators. Those mediations used by fox-ghosts are the seven forbidden change agents of magic:
necromancy = the dead
geomancy = the earth
hydromancy = the water
aeromancy = the wind
pyromancy = the fire
chiromancy = the hand
scapulimancy = the bone